Monday, May 12, 2008


Yes, it's time again for the literary event of the week, and this one's a great one: the spring Newman Cocktail Party! For those of you unfamiliar with the Newman party, it is one of the favorites among publicists in the city - particularly lower level ones who will travel far and wide for free booze and free food. Newman Communications is a Boston PR firm that publishing companies hire to do extra publicity - mainly satellite radio tours in my experience, but according to their website, they do lots of other stuff too. Anyway, twice a year, the Newman bunch travels down to NYC and throws a major "thank-you for your business and please continue to give us money" cocktail party. And, as someone who has gotten wasted at many a Newman party, they are AWESOME. Open bar. And not only open well drinks, beer, and cheap wine. No, OPEN. Everything is free. So don't feel bad asking the bartender to reach up to the tippy top shelf 'cause hey, it's on Newman.

Secondly, there is free food. My first Newman party, the food was amazing. I also managed to snag a spot by the kitchen, so I had first tasting of everything that came out. The second party, they switched to buffet which was a horrible decision. The lines were killer, you had to have a plate and napkins instead of just being able to grab a handy toothpick speared bite, and the food got cold and kinda gross. I can't really remember what the past couple ones were like, so I assume they were satisfactory. Or, I just drank a ton and forgot that alcohol is not one of the main food groups. Whatevs.

Point being, this Wednesday, Newman party! Come eat (for free!), drink (for free!), and be merry (a direct free result of first two).


Anonymous said...

I will be there with bells on but if I see buffet I'm turning right around. That was the worst ;)

submit to slunch said...

I think I will stay anyway for the free drinks, but David Ratner better watch out if there is a buffet. He's getting an earful.

Anonymous said...

free food?! heck yeah I'm there. i work in publishing, I don't get paid enough to afford food (drinks is another thing. there's always cash for drinks).