Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hmm, today's Gawker (http://gawker.com/news/literacy/why-are-this-falls-big-books-so-small-291830.php) tells us that the upcoming book season has "some pretty slender pickings." We slunchies beg to differ. We've combed our stack of catalogs, stolen from our current and former co-workers, and come up with the best of the rest. In no particular order:

Light Fell by Evan Fallenberg (Soho Press) - From the geniuses that brought us the literary smack-down between Craig Davidson and Jonathan Ames comes a book about gay Jews! Well, technically, it's a story of "faith, family, and sexuality," but come on. Some dude leaves his family for a rabbi. In Israel! Mazel tovs all around.

Out of Sync by Lance Bass (Simon Spotlight Entertainment) - I mean, really, doesn't the title say it all? Lance Bass. Gay. Yes, we've all read about it on perezhilton but now we get it in Lance's own words. Maybe there will be stories of gay romps with fellow N'Syncers. Be still my beating heart. Oh yeah, there's also stuff about his childhood and becoming famous.

Proust Was A Neuroscientist by Jonah Leher (unless you knew him personally) (Houghton Mifflin) - This critically acclaimed tome with a Madeline cookie on the cover (ok, how gay is that?), while reminding me of Steve Carrell's role in "Little Miss Sunshine" as the pre-eminent Proust scholar, could be the next (insert Random Historical Figure here).

And who could ignore...

World Without End by Ken Follett (Dutton) - The long-anticipated sequel to the longest book EVER (especially if you are listening to it on books on tape travelling to Indiana with your mother) - "Pillars of the Earth." I mean, what else can we say?

So there you have it. The slunchies fall list - screw you gawker.


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