Stephen's got game, not only plugging his very own book tonight, but that of his guest, The Braindead Megaphone by George Saunders. I've seen Colbert in the past push books to #2 on Amazon, and right now at publication hour of his own book, I Am America only ranks #6. In a "tip of the hat" to Harry Potter, stores like Powells are having a midnight release party right now. But, as a "wag of a finger," I didn't see a damn thing about it on their homepage. I know they're an indie, but at least they could afford a webcam that linked to colbertnation.com.
How irate this man will be tomorrow if it doesn't at least hit #1 on amazon. However, I'm sure it will be on the NYT list, but, as we all know, Colbert doesn't read. As for Mr. Saunders, he's at #1,535 on Amazon.
Regardless, tomorrow's ep will be one not to miss.
do tell,
the editor
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